A review by moreteamorecats
Duino Elegies and The Sonnets to Orpheus by Rainer Maria Rilke


Poulin's translation makes certain different choices than I might. For example, "Weltsraum" tends to become "cosmic space". This material is certainly susceptible to New Age or deep-ecology readings; my own, naturally, tend to be more para-Christian than anything. Matter of taste perhaps. At a technical level, on the other hand, I have to admire Poulin managing to keep an English sonnet rhyme scheme in his translations while still keeping a sense of the German's freedom.

All that said, the point here is the poems themselves, which are incomparably rich meditations on embodiment, time, and mortality, with a healthy side of angels and gods. Someday, I'll write something about angels, apocalypse, and the nature of human worship. It will draw on Rilke here, and [a:Walter Benjamin|1860|Walter Benjamin|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1225048463p2/1860.jpg], and [a:Tony Kushner|35822|Tony Kushner|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1209471902p2/35822.jpg], and Messiaen, and Neon Genesis Evangelion, and it will be fabulous.