A review by racheln23
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater


Ugh. 2.5 stars is more like it. I like James and I like Noala and I even like Sullivan and Paul, but there’s just so much pointlessness and Unfulfillment that it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. And Dee? What a dumb and useless character she became! Noala says it best: “I got tired of watching her boohoo-ness really fast.” YES. Author, why did you let Dee in to this book. She plays no role except being annoying. She kills someone? We have zero information about what goes on with her. She’s seeing Luke but it isn’t Luke? Again, we get NO backstory at all in the book and it is just annoying noise. And don’t go whining about #spoilers, because -NEWSFLASH- those aren’t spoilers. Because they literally have nothing to do with the novel and Dee is a purposeless character in this book.

Continuing on... all the fairy backstory that we do get is pretty lame as well. There’s some sort of intrigue and dramatic events but they just don’t serve much purpose except for the bleak hope of adding some excitement in to the book.

And the fact that there was another showdown on a stage just grated on my nerves. Like, ok, things in the book already aren’t great, but can we get a little variety?

And seriously - Dee’s aunt? She has less purpose in this book than in the last book. What. The. Heck. Why is she here? She was not even invited to this party.

2 stars because I read it through but it was painful. Two stars because the author actually made this second book. But I absolutely do not want to read a third in this series. It’s sad, really, since I absolutely loved book 1.