A review by tuttidolci
The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss


This one had so much potential for greatness, but it dragged on for what seemed like FOREVER, going from one conflict to another and another. And in the end, the main/original conflict was resolved almost too easily. Presented like a gift with a nice little bow, which (after the long, drawn out story) felt unrealistic and hastily put together, merely because the story had to end. The way I see it, the story was unnecessarily lengthy and a lot of the word count could've been better used to create a more reasonable, natural, organic ending.

I also want to mention that the fade-to-black love scenes were snooze-worthy. There was one particular instance where I wasn't even sure that the H/h had even had sex! Reminded me a lot of the eyeroll-worthy fade-to-black love scene in that popular book where the dawn would be breaking. So, if you like a little more steam factor in your romance reads, you will be a bit disappointed with this one.