A review by celbl8o
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Vol 1 by Fred S. Kleiner


I absolutely loved this textbook and the class that I bought it for. I wasn't anticipating liking art history as much as I did. I will definitely be hanging onto this book for a very, very long time and have no intention of selling it back.
This is an older edition of the book but, depending on your instructor, I definitely think that you can get by with just buying this edition, especially if your school library has a copy of whatever edition is being used in your class available. Although this edition has one less chapter than the most recent editions, I found that I was able to make it through just fine in the class that I was taking. I would definitely do some research into the class that you're taking and the professor's teaching style before deciding to buy this edition instead of the most recent one, though. If you do decide to buy this edition, you can find it for about $5 at a lot of used bookstores. I've found that it was a much better choice than buying the most recent edition for $120.