A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
My Girl by Jack Jordan


This book definitely took me by surprise. Delivered in 3 parts, no stone will be left unturned. Part 1 gets us all up and close comfy with Paige’s character and her status quo and ends with the reveal of the story’s Twisted Fuck (see below). Part 2 is an important filler to the story handling some past events up until present! And Part 3… well, it’s a part full of conclusions, more revelations and an ending fit to the story.

My Girl delivers dark and creepy from start to finish. Paige’s character is one dealing with tons of suffering and even though at times I wanted to just shake her and tell her to snap out of it, it’s not really how things work. I could say, she is a character that managed to make feel feel equally as much compassion for her as well as disgust at times. In the end though, when all was said and done… and explained… I have nothing but sympathy!

If there ever is a rock bottom that an author can write a character into, My Girl gives an example of the rockiest of rock bottoms. If there ever is a book that can mix together so much yuk and ‘oh come come, really?’, it’s My Girl. If you’re a squeamish reader and can’t stand violence- yeah, I’d pass on this one.

As for our Twisted Fuck of the story… well… Just before ‘the big revelation’ I figured it out. I had this creepy-crawly feeling of who’s behind it all… It was actually a small comment made by them that rubbed me the wrong way. Having said that… figuring out the culprit doesn’t always mean the story has nowhere else to progress and in the case of My Girl, when I thought it couldn’t get anymore worse, it went and got worse.

Reflecting back on the book, what gives me most enjoyment is the fact I am still having those “Ah!” moments… the clues and teasers peppered throughout the story from early on are now falling into place when during reading they seemed interesting and kind of relevant but irrelevant at the same time. Sign of good thought process behind writing, I think. (I’m just imagining this big board with newspaper clippings and photos and facts that have pins in them and then string drawn in between them to connect the puzzle together.) Perhaps a weathered and experienced crime/thriller reader would know to keep all kinds of small details in their mind, but I must say I rather enjoy aftereffects!

Overall: 4 stars. I felt there were some things that caused a lot of questions in my mind. A lot of why’s, but’s and why not’s. Then again… knowing the ‘situation’ the questions could be easily put to sleep. Not sure how a more analytical, questioning mind would receive the book, but for me? I was fully blown away by the level of suspense, the twists were balanced ranging from ‘holy shit’ to ‘oh my!” and even though this was a dark and twisted tale, it offered a satisfying ending with a silver lining!