A review by wargwe
A House of My Own: Stories from My Life by Sandra Cisneros


perhaps her obsession with a house grew from being the only daughter in a Mexican family of six sons, a working class female Chicana. all her life she swung from house to house, and when she finally owned one, it housed all her writings, the stories of her life: this book. in the backyard of this house that she built word by word, she created a simple ofrenda for her blood kin, her ancestors, her friends, the people she once loved and still love. in the acknowledgments (my favourite section of a good book), she tells a simple tale of a house given to the community who helped to build it. thank you, thank you for your hospitality

if I were to move to a foreign place one day, I’d take this along in my suitcase, this little multi-dimensional house equipped with a living room filled with art, dead poets, dead singers, angry letters, lecture transcripts, eulogies, a fireplace for word-of-mouth stories, a closet for huipiles, things and places that don’t exist in a HDB flat, periwinkle walls, a portal, a door