A review by chelsea2020
Dayhunter by Jocelynn Drake


It is quite interesting to see the vast changes that have come upon Mira. Her entire goal, her purpose in her everlasting life, is constantly being altered. She is not her own person and is constantly being manipulated by all around her; Both of her knowledge and without her awareness. She appears to be the ultimate pawn, but yet she still retains an immense amount of control over her life and protects those who seek her protection.

It is amazing to see one who is so strong struggle at almost every turn. Truly, it is her against the world. She seems to have no true allies; many can control her completely and hold her fate in their hands. The only thing saving Mira from eternal rest is that she is the ultimate weapon against the supernatural's greatest enemy; the Naturi. How she is to go about ending their existence is yet to be discovered, but I very much anticipate seeing Mira prevail against the Naturi, as well as those who would try to control her destiny when it is her path alone to chose.

I so hope that Mira may find the internal power to overcome those who use her and to find a balance within herself to fully except her potential and greatness as an eternal being. I know Mira can kick major butt and I am eager to see when all else come to realize it as well. She can do anything she sets her mind to, she simply needs to find the courage and confidence in herself to do so.

I am also mildly surprised to find that I rather enjoy that these past two books of the 'Dark Days' novels have had no obvious (or even subtly mentioned) love interests. There is no love triangle, square, or even pair. Heck, there was only one sex scene and it wasn't even with the man who has grudgingly stood by her side for two whole books. It was also no-strings-attached.

I have to say, it was quite refreshing, and it helped to keep focus on the action rather than on Mira's love life. It is such a disappointment when a book gets completely sucked into, and revolves around, the main character's freaking love life. It also often leads to a half-assed ending that is all about a main character's HEA with the man that they are 'Oh so in LOVE with!' What a waste that is. Then again, there is still plenty of time for Mira to find her completely sappy and clichéd HEA with four more books to go.

Here's to hoping the ending and the rest of Mira's journey to the end doesn't suck and is just as fantastic as have been the first two books in Ms. Drake's 'Dark Days' series!

Go forth and conquer, Mira!! <3