A review by stephdaydreams
A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy, Sierra Simone



This book definitely lived up to its title-- it was cute, it was sweet, it was funny, it was so delightful! It brought me Christmas in July and I thank it for that.

I enjoyed the inclusive narrative that was both body and sex positive. It was a very empowering story that allowed both our leads, Bee and Nolan to shine equally. But I must admit I do play favorites and so much of my love went to Bee-- I loved her spunk, confidence, vulnerability, and how she held on to her agency in every facet of her life. Her entire character is so inspired and so lovable. I already miss her!

I did have some qualms with the book. As wonderfully sex positive the narrative was, sometimes it seemed all there was between our leads was lust and sex. They were physically intimate, but I never fully bought into their emotional intimacy. This was disheartening at times because I adored their chemistry so much, but I wish we had more of a love story between the two. My other qualm was the dialogue, sometimes it went so hearty with current pop culture references which I've never been a fan of as I fear it can really age a book.

Nevertheless-- I was so endeared to our leads and their story. The ending was one of my favorite parts, as I left the story feeling happy and satisfied. I definitely recommend this one!

I am so looking forward to the next story by these co-authors; in fact, I believe one (or two!) of the supporting characters' within this story may be headlining their own next. Which I'm 100% here for!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Avon for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.