A review by owlyreadsalot
The Book Charmer by Karen Hawkins


I adored this book! Everything about it, made me fall more and more in love with it. I'm not one to read many books of this genre, or even complete them, but I found myself immersed deeply in these characters' journeys. And, enough love to want to pick up more books like it. Why not? Maybe, just maybe, I've been missing out on tons more like it.

Like I mentioned above, I don't normally read stories like this one, because they don't catch my attention as much. But, the minute I saw the cover, and read part of the synopsis, I said let's give it a go. Glad that I did, because I've never connected with as many characters as I did with in this novel (well, there's Harry Potter, but that doesn't really count, as almost everyone has found love with most of them).

What's not to love about talking books, and enchanting teas made especially for the person their given to, or color changing flowers that fill the town of Dove Pond. These are only a few things that are part of this quirky, cute, and whimsical read. The other parts that fill these pages, are the great characters that become lifelong friends, and even more so, family.

Mama G being my top fave, along with Sarah Dove and her belief in magic and those around her. The town of Dove Pond that come together in times of crisis, including setting out in groups through a crazy storm that looks to have no end, just to bring back one of their own. Then there are those little things like the town settings that join them throughout, including the town hall, the quaint restaurant of theirs, the main festival no one wants to miss, and so much more.

I can't recommend this novel enough, it's my first top five star of the year. And, yes, that might seem a little high, a little too much of a gush, but I really did love everything about this novel. It all came together when it was supposed to, and the magic was just the right amount to make it feel realistic enough, part of the Dove Pond charm you're going to want to be welcomed into. Even more so, Trav... yup, you're going to want to get to know Trav. Smiles for days!

***I received this copy from Gallery Books via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***