A review by writesofluid
A Year of Questions: How to Slow Down and Fall in Love with Life by Fiona Robyn


I'm a huge fan of Fiona's novels and her blog entries, which are always very truthful and honest in their reflections of problems and issues we face every day. Reading her novels or her blogs are like taking a dip in a cool lake on a really groggy hot day and feeling a surge of comfort.

What I particularly like about A Year of Questions is how each weekly offering is concise yet eloquent. Each is structured with a personal story from Fiona's own experiences to explain her ideas about life, further explanation in the "things you might be curious about" sections, followed by suggestions on how to look at your own life more closely that week and some relevant and inspiring quotes.

I've not followed the format of the book and instead of reading one a week, I've been devouring the whole lot whenever I get the chance. It's the kind of book that you can use in many ways - you can follow it weekly for the year or you can delve right in at any offering and still glean something from it. I find myself nodding and thinking "I know that feeling", and then I start to be more aware of these feelings and in touch with them.

I highly recommend this book; a discussion of thoughts, a diary of relate-able experiences and a guide to "taking the next step", as well as a breath of fresh air in the world of self-help books. It's like having a friendly coach there with you, sharing anecdotes and letting you know that we're all human and we all have flaws, and that's OK.