A review by eleanorreadstoo
King of Greed by Ana Huang


3.5 Underwhelming ✨'s
Marriage in trouble romances are some of my favorites and the fact that Miss Ana had all the potential for an amazing book and did not deliver absolutely guts me. Our couple, Dominic and Alessandra, had been married for 12 years and after one month of separation just decide to sign the divorce papers?!? I needed some turmoil and angst but instead, Dominic decides to tough it out and not grovel for his wife right away. I wanted grand gestures and him begging on his knees. I mean is it too much to ask for a man to worship his wife? I don't think so. All he did to grovel was change his ways and start taking an interest in Alessandra's life, like the man just decided to insert himself in everything she was doing. It's like his love language was proximity or something because besides a few swoony lines, the man was not all that charming. I'm disappointed, but, I see so much potential for the next few books. Where is Ice Queen Sloane when we need her!?!

Where was the ANGST?!? Where was the TURMOIL?!? Where was the GROVELING?!? This had so much more potential. Full RTC!!!