A review by dollycas
Bookman Dead Style by Paige Shelton


Dollycas’s Thoughts

Back to Star City, Utah for the second book in the Dangerous Type Mysteries. Stars from Hollywood have come for the Annual Film Festival and to enjoy some time on the slopes. They also descend on Bygone Alley and into The Rescued Word. Matt Bane, the current heartthrob, is in town to promote his superhero movie and visits the shop for some personalized note cards. Just a short time later Clare witnesses the police leading the actor from his hotel in handcuffs. She quickly learns a young actress, Matt’s sister, has been murdered and he was found over her body covered in blood. Clare just can’t believe it, he just doesn’t seem the “type” or maybe he is such a good actor he has her fooled. She delves right into her own investigation to seek out the real character but all the “stars” are in “the show must go on” frame of mind so it isn’t going to be easy to catch this killer.

Ms. Shelton has typed us up a marvelous mystery. You know, the kind that pulls you in right away and holds you tight until the very end with so many twists and a plethora of suspects.

Bringing so many people to this small town, stars and tourists, gives a wide variety of people to question. Clare pares them down quickly to a manageable number but any one could be the killer. With her best friend on the police force she tries to get some inside information and Jodie does help her to get in to see Matt while he is in jail to get his take on the case. Clare’s ex/police chief, Creighton, is not quite as helpful but that was to be expected. Clare and her grandfather also have another mystery on their hands that brings another element to the story and solving that one isn’t easy either. Shelton sets a brisk pace and has given us a story that is almost impossible to put down.

The core characters and their continued development really drives this story. They have big hearts and really care about each other and all the people they meet. Clare and Jodie reconnect with one of their old classmates and she has an interesting story too. I hope she pops up in future stories. The romance between Seth and Clare is so perfectly paced as it her grandfather’s relationship with his lady friend. Clare’s niece Marion is growing up and has such a bright future, she is going to be a very interesting character to watch as this series continues.

This has quickly become a favorite series of mine and I have to give it my Paradise Rating. I really love playing sleuth right along with Clare and I completely escaped right into this book.. I can’t wait for the next Dangerous Type Mystery. The little snippet from Comic Sans Murder has me ready another trip to The Rescued Word as soon as possible.