A review by rusticreadingal
Changeling by Molly Harper


Changeling was a really fun and cute read. I've enjoyed Molly Harper's previous books and was excited to check out her venture into the young adult genre. I had a blast reading it! It's a fairly quick read that kept my attention the whole way through.

Sarah/Cassandra was a great character. Her whole life is turned upside down when it's discovered that she has magic. She goes through a lot in the process – some good, some bad, but her attitude and resolve remained steady and I admired her strength through it all.

The world building and magic system was interesting. I've seen Changeling compared to Harry Potter multiple times and while I can kinda see the similarities, it's definitely it's own story and is different in a lot of ways. It's a really great read that I believe young adults and grown ups alike will enjoy. I'm really excited to find out what happens in the sequel!

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.