A review by seak
Chains of the Heretic: Bloodsounder's ARC Book Three by Jeff Salyards


I realized I still haven't reviewed this book and that is complete junk because this book deserves to get reviewed by everyone on the whole site. Salyards is such an underrated talent who is easily up there with Abercrombie and Lynch.

I always have a difficult time with reviews for the last in a series/trilogy. This is no different. There's no way to do it without spoiling some stuff, but I refuse to hide the whole review for that reason because ... it's the third in a series. I think we all get that.

Anyway, the sheer amount of places Salyards takes us in this, the last of the trilogy, is mind-boggling. Toward the end of the book, I was thinking back to portions of the same book that I thought were in the previous book. That's how absolutely nuts this gets. No place is safe from the Syldoon!

Salyards is the man. If you're waiting on Joe Abercrombie to get moving with his new series, look no further. This series was so good, I can't wait to reread it. I can't wait till we all make it possible for him to quit his day job and write full time. That is my dream. Please make it happen and buy his books.

5 out of 5 Stars (easy choice for me)

Publisher provided a copy for review.