A review by littlelady_28
10 Truths and a Dare by Ashley Elston


This was a fun book to read, which is why I didn't feel it belonged in the "It was Fine" category, but I also felt it lacked some of the charm of [b:10 Blind Dates|43885673|10 Blind Dates|Ashley Elston|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553102132l/43885673._SY75_.jpg|58305774]. I think this was mostly due to the fact that I didn't like Olivia as much as Sophie. She made a series of poor choices, but never really had to pay for the consequences.

Olivia is a super focused student who will be graduating as salutatorian of her class until she finds out that she didn't get credit for an off-campus golf class she took for PE because she was late too often and skipped too many classes. She makes a deal with the golf coach that would require her to work at a big golf tournament in order to receive the credit she needs. The tournament coincides with the week of graduation parties that the parents of the graduating students throw ever year. Olivia's parents are out of town and she doesn't want to tell them about the botched golf class, so she enlists the help of her cousins, Charlie and Sophie (from 10 Blind Dates), and Sophie's boyfriend, Wes, to swap phones with them and go to the parties with her phone since her mom has a tracking app installed and would know if Olivia was at the golf course instead of the party.

If the plot sounds a bit silly and way overcomplicated to you, you're not alone. The whole thing would have been avoided if Olivia had just told her parents about the issue. But my main complaint is that Olivia was supposed to have such a strong work ethic and drive to do well in school, yet she blew off the golf class and continually tried to get out of her responsibilities at the tournament. She knew the rules and requirements of graduation and shouldn't have been allowed to graduate with her class if she didn't meet those requirements. Despite this, the coach eventually signs the form stating that she met the requirements and she graduates with her class as expected.

One other issue I had with the book was that I didn't believe that the rest of the members of The Fab Four would have switched phones with her. No one, especially a teenager, is going to give access of their phone to someone else for the entire day. Nope, not gonna happen.

I like the characters overall and I hope Elston continues this series about the people in this crazy family. I give the characters a 9 out of 10 and the plot a 6.5 out of 10, and an overall grade of a C+.