A review by dreaminfables
The Mountains Sing by Nguyễn Phan Quế Mai


“If our stories survive, we will not die, even when our bodies are no longer here on this Earth.”
The Mountains Sing's lyrical prose has my heart and soul. The writing is poetic and with beauty describes the Vietnamese landscape, its food and culture. I could see myself running across the paddy fields or cycling through the markets and savouring a bowl of Phở (I've never had Phở but it sounds so delicious)
This is a story of a family torn apart by war and brutality and while it is heart wrenching it is not without hope.With Vietnam's history in the backdrop, through the Japanese invasion, the communist propaganda and eventually the Vietnam War we see this family carrying the burden of trauma and of fraying roots.
Grandma Diệu Lan's account fills the book with melodies of hope and lullabies of a sleeping past that is both comforting and nourishing. She's strong, patient, kind even to those who have hurt her beyond measure and above all devoted to her family through the best and worst of times. Oh, there is so much to learn and love about her.
Hương's relationship with her grandma is written with such intimacy that I often found myself being lovingly being addressed as guava by grandma Diệu Lan.
An own voices account that is humane and thoughtful of Vietnam's past is a must read for lovers of historical fiction, women fiction or for that matter those who enjoy poetic and lyrical writing.