A review by salemlockheart
The Country Will Bring Us No Peace by Matthieu Simard


"Peace is a momentary void between two conflicts. My blood hurts; my blood will hurt forever."

(spoiler warning)

what even was the point of this book? no, really. i don't understand. i went into this thinking it would be horror, because it was labeled as such. as i was reading, i assumed the grief was the horror aspect. wrong. it was so much more boring than that!

the horror is... that these people they thought disappeared were actually alive? and that the main family kills themselves at the end? wow... groundbreaking. this was so boring. nothing happens. the writing is mediocre and this novella felt like a waste of time.

i'm so frustrated. the beginning was so interesting, and the town sounded so interesting, but NOTHING HAPPENS. how do you write a book where literally nothing happens?