A review by books_dogs_lexi
Deadmen Walking by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Once upon a time I was heavily into historical romance. Chief among my favorite settings was the pirate ship. For this I can firmly blame Johanna Lindsey and her Malory family series.

With the sublime Lindsey as my gold standard I stepped into this book with a small amount of trepidation. Would this line up?

Well, shiver me timbers. This is NOT your mama’s swashbuckling pirate romance. I hear comparisons and parallels to Pirates of the Caribbean but honestly, I’d have to say this is better.

For starters, PoTC only really has one character to draw you back in, no small thanks to Johnny Depp’s foppish Captain Jack Sparrow. In Deadmen Walking, there’s a whole crew of zany miscreants, each in his or her own right, a reason to keep reading.

Sherrilyn Kenyon once again does what she does best: immerses you in a world that leaves you stunned and breathless at its beauty and savagery while poking at the dark corners of her character’s psyches to expose the frailty of their human condition and soothe away the aches with kindness and compassion.

Yes it’s an offshoot of her Dark-Hunter world, but it’s such a departure, it’s a breath of fresh sea air.

In conclusion, drink up, me hearties! This is one book hangover you’ll enjoy getting. (couldn’t resist sliding just a little piratespeak up in here, although you’d think for my sake, I would. Lol!)