A review by mandylovestoread
The Bones She Buried by Lisa Regan, Kate Handford


My gosh, Lisa Regan has done it once again! I am such a fan of this ladies writing and the Josie Quinn series is just so addictive. I can't believe that this is book 5 already. So much has happened in these books and I eagerly await the next instalment every time. Josie is a brilliant character. She is so strong considering what has happened to her in her life. She is a great detective who just can't let anything go until she gets to the truth. In this book she struggles with being a cop and being the supportive girlfriend, just wanting to do the right thing and find the killer as well as being there for Noah and his family. I hope that there is plenty more Josie to come, I don't think I will ever be tired of this series.

This time the case is personal to her boyfriend and fellow cop Noah. On arriving at his mothers house for dinner one night they can tell immediately that something's is wrong. The house has been turned over and Colette is nowhere to be found. When they do find her face down in the garden it is clear that she is dead, and that it is not from natural causes. Noah and his family are devasted, Colette was a kind, well loved women, who would want her dead. Josie and her colleges start investigating and find some items in the house that link to missing people from the past. How is Collette connected to them and did she know something that got her killed.

The way this book tied up in the end came as a real shock to me, I certainly didn't pick it. We are lead on a journey with Josie though Collettes past and this at time puts a strain on. Her relationship with Noah. Staying professional she knows that she needs to get to the bottom of this case, no matter what she might find.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for my advanced copy of this book to. All opinions are my own and are in no way biased