A review by alps
Zoology by Ben Dolnick


I liked this book in a three-star sort of way until the last 60 pages or so. Basically, the main character, Henry, is an idiot. He completely tricks himself into thinking that a girl who has a boyfriend may react positively when he tells her how much he's in love with her. It seems like something I would've done in middle school, not something a 19 year old should be doing. Of course, she doesn't react well when he spills his guts, and in order to alleviate his poor little teen heart he decides to go walk around New York City with a goat he freed from the zoo he works at. Is this a good idea? What do you think will happen next? If you answered "The goat will run away" then you're 100% right! How predictable is that. Then, rather than own up to his mistakes to his boss, he tries to cover it up before eventually coming clean, making his entire situation worse. Basically, this book would've been okay if the main character wasn't incredibly immature and stupid.