A review by freadomlibrary
Mai Tai'd Up by Alice Clayton


This review was originally posted at https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/

Check out my series review here: https://freadomlibrary.wordpress.com/2016/03/07/series-review-cocktail-series-by-alice-clayton/

Plot – 4 out of 5 stars
funny, entertaining, honest, heartwarming, sweet, real, unexpected in some things, really coincidental in others, but super cute

Writing Style – 4 out of 5 stars
funny, fast paced, easy to read, descriptive, detailed, cheesy, unexpected, realistic, adjustment to accommodate the new POV

Characters – 4 out of 5 stars
Again, some new characters are introduced in this book and I quite liked them (not as much as Vivian though).
Chloe is our protagonist and we meet her briefly in the third book. She’s a bit naive but has really great intentions. She’s been submissive and kind of quiet her whole life but she’s now determined to stick it out on her own. She’s kind, honest and sweet and I liked her character development.
Then we have Lucas WHO IS A GINGER! I’ve talked about my obsession with redheads before but I’d just like to reiterate it here because LUCAS IS A REDHEAD! Anyway, he’s also charming and sweet and protective. He’s been burned and hurt before so he’s cautious about certain things which I appreciated.
I loved seeing some of the older characters from the earlier books show up in this one, made it feel like the series went full circle.

SpoilerThis is one of my favorite adult contemporary series ever. It’s so entertaining and funny and I was completely enthralled with it.

This fourth book was really enjoyable but it didn’t blow me away like the third book did. I liked the characters but it wasn’t as exciting.

The plot is unexpected. We follow Chloe, whom we meet very briefly in the third book, when she makes the decision to back out of her wedding the day of. To escape from the backlash, she goes to stay at her father’s vacation house in Monterrey and takes a chance on some of her dreams. I enjoyed how the plot moved at a slower pace to accommodate Chloe’s life but it also skipped the more unnecessary little details. She took control of her life and started to work on building a dog rescue and the process was interesting and very informative. I loved to see her enthusiasm for her new job and it was really cute. I thought the romance flowed in a very unexpected way. Both main characters had very similar backgrounds when it came to past relationships and they were both feeling each other but were also conscious of not wanting to have a rebound sort of entanglement that would ruin any real future they could have. That turned into a slow burn kind of development because it made them friends first and slowly built up their feelings for each other. There’s a very important play on a cliche that’s used a lot in books and movies and it didn’t turn out the way you usually see it happening which is quite awesome in my opinion.

I liked Chloe as a character but wasn’t crazy about her. She was too naive and soft spoken in my opinion. I wanted her to have more spark and sass but it wasn’t her style. But I really enjoyed her character development and how she became more decisive.

Lucas is quite adorable and HE’S A GINGER! I was kind of annoyed with some of his actions toward the end but they are totally understandable considering his past. All the side characters that were introduced were great (except for one but you’ll see when you read it) and I was really entertained by them. It was great to see some of the old cast of characters back again and it felt like the whole series came full circle.