A review by heather_whit
Reparation of Sin by Natasha Knight, A. Zavarelli


SHUT THE FREAKIN' FRONT DOOR!! I devoured this book in just a few short hours. Why you ask, well let me explain why. We pick up right where book one ends...
Ivy has found herself in a found hell. Accused of something we all know she didn't do, and Santi well Santi needs to be throat punched at this time... Ivy has been through so much and I am not talking about what she has endured since she and Santi have been married either. This young lady has overcome and has adapted to everything. I for one adore her and love the strong woman she is becoming. Now Santi, well Santi has some redeeming to do. The question is will he? His dark and tortured soul sings to me, but I am not gonna lie he has pissed me off a time or two. There were a few different times I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for him to pull his head out of his ass! Now with this being said I love him and I do believe that he and Ivy are perfect for each other. She is the light to his dark. I can not wait to see how their story ends.

Merged review:

SHUT THE FREAKIN' FRONT DOOR!! I devoured this book in just a few short hours. Why you ask, well let me explain why. We pick up right where book one ends...
Ivy has found herself in a found hell. Accused of something we all know she didn't do, and Santi well Santi needs to be throat punched at this time... Ivy has been through so much and I am not talking about what she has endured since she and Santi have been married either. This young lady has overcome and has adapted to everything. I for one adore her and love the strong woman she is becoming. Now Santi, well Santi has some redeeming to do. The question is will he? His dark and tortured soul sings to me, but I am not gonna lie he has pissed me off a time or two. There were a few different times I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for him to pull his head out of his ass! Now with this being said I love him and I do believe that he and Ivy are perfect for each other. She is the light to his dark. I can not wait to see how their story ends.