A review by asiantomato
Escaping Ordinary by Scott Reintgen


I thought this book had a fun and interesting plot to it. Indira, our hero, learns that she's a little too good at relying on herself and is sent to training to learn how to rely on the assests of her team instead of charging into battle head first. When going through the training in the land of Plot, she and her team encounter something they've never seen before and discover that an Author has somehow ended up in their world. Together, they have to figure out a way to kick him out or else he will destroy everything.

I thought this plot of learning how to work with a team was interesting, but I don't really think it came through for me. I thought Indira was basically relying on her instincts the whole time until she has a conversation with someone that caused her to do a 180 and rely on her team for their last plan. It didn't feel gradual or natural to me, but rather sudden.

Other than that, this was a quick and fun read. I love the characters and how they grew throughout the story. I really liked the dynamic between Phoenix and Allen Squalls because while Allen was incredibly anxious and nervous about everything that was around him, Phoenix did his best to lift his friends up. And then, when it really came to the time when Phoenix needed him, while he was still scared, he went against that instinct and decided to stay for him. I liked his character development a lot.

I received a copy from Crown Books for Young Readers via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.