A review by thepeachmartini
Born to be Mild by Rob Temple


I am well aware this book is the easiest reading ever, and it's not everyone's cuppa...but if you follow the SoVeryBritish account on Twitter, you know EXACTLY what you're getting into. (It even says on the cover "a refreshingly unpolished memoir"...)

This book reads like a stream of consciousness at some points, but it's kind of comforting to me because it feels very familiar. My brain works in much the same way as Rob's - for better or worse - minus the battle with alcohol and debilitating depression that left him bed-ridden and borderline agoraphobic. It's silly and light, and just what I needed to get me between books (I started this after Devil in the White City and have picked it up on and off until I finished last night. It literally made me laugh out loud - in fact, I had to stop reading it some nights because I didn't want to wake my husband up with fits of giggles. 

Underneath it all, there is a bit of a lesson to be learned - there's a fine line between carpe-dieming your way through life and forcing yourself into very uncomfortable (and sometimes dangerous) situations; it's good to have adventures and do things and enjoy the world around you...but you don't have to make everything a grand affair. Book a local walking tour or class on Groupon (is that still a thing?) instead of forcing yourself to participate in things you dread just for the sake of having something to do.