A review by _valorie_
Forgiveness by Skyler Mason


I'm not particularly sure what Mason wanted the reader to feel about this. Am I supposed to be happy? Am I supposed to be overjoyed at the fact that the FMC is a doormat that takes back a man that cheated on her for 15 YEARS??

I thought I would read this just for the angst but even the angst was not enough for me to like this atrocity. The way I was so MAD that i had to turn on the fan to cool me down. My hands were TREMBLING from the rage.

For the previous book I had made a prediction in my review and it turned out to be partially right. My prediction had a lot more angst in it but this book was absolutely pathetic.

Mark, our wonderful cheater, feels so sorry for cheating on the FMC for 15 years. Poor him, looking so sickly now that his wife is actually leaving him. I feel so bad that he's finally getting what he deserves and getting what he dished out for years. He's totally the victim in all of this and the FMC should definitely take pity on this pathetic man and take him back. Is this what I was supposed to think???

Mark should have lived a miserable life watching Whitney live a happy life with Stephen (who just decides to never be mentioned again when Whitney decides to take Mark back?? Like what happened to him??).

Whitney isn't innocent in this either since she was the one who cheated on Mark first but this doesn't excuse the abuse she took from Mark for 15 YEARS. I'd get it if it was like 1 year, 2 years, hell even 3 years but 15??? God this made me so angry.

The best solution would have been divorce but ofc we can't do that.

Who in their right mind would genuinely think this is a great relationship? It's toxic, manipulative and revolting quite honestly. Makes me sick to my stomach, I literally would not wish this type of relationship on my worst enemy.

0 stars.