A review by spititual_storm
Risibles Amours by Milan Kundera


I already said it here and I'll say it again, I would read Kundera's grocery list.
Since I've read this in 2021, everything is about this book. It's the book I would mention when someone ask me this terrible question that we all hate, this question that is asked when you have the bad idea of saying that you love reading : "What is your favorite book ?". It's a book that I'm gonna tattoo on my skin as soon as summer is finished. My first Kundera's. The book I love to talk about with my pretentious and clever friends when they already read it. The book that lovers and a friends have read because of me (and many others to come, because that's the book I would buy you for your birthday and the book that I always recommend). The book that I gave to my boyfriend at our second date when he made me read Caligula by Camus in return. It's THE book. The one that is a mesure for every others.

I'm a sucker for books about love, sexuality, men and women. I just love hom Kundera write with a critical and cynical view but also with a lot of tenderness. His characters are horrible, pretentious, easily detestable but you can't help but feel sorry for them. As he writes about love, sex and seduction, he's making it clear that a lot of other topics can be seen through relationships. I'm especially fond of the way he talks about identity. The importance of it, but also how it is uncatchable, unseizable and impossible to define with clear boundaries.

A lot of bad reviews are about misogyny, but like ? Did we read the same book ? I feel like Kundera is hard on men too, if not even harder as they are most of the time the main subject. Most of the time their stupidity is mocked, their tendencies to view women as prizes are explained by their unhappiness and their ego, which is mocked too. Kundera is harsh on women, but everybody gets their part of criticism and mockery. And this is probably why it's so good to read, it's a cynical view on everything and everyone pair up with a sort of refreshing fondness for everything and everyone.