A review by elevetha
Supreme: Blue Rose by Warren Ellis


**An ARC of this book was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

This was a extremely trippy comic. Like, straight-up "what the heck is going on" trippy. To me, it kinda felt like a generic sci-fi story, but slightly more ambitious than most. You all know the ones, the ones that don't really make sense and you know it's sci-fi cause of words like "dimension", "continuum", "(universe) reset", and a whole slew of others. So while I didn't understand it, at all, it wasn't a half-bad ride down Confusion Rollercoaster. I'm not even going to bother to attempt to explain the plot. Nope.

The worst bit, to be honest, was the Professor Night story slides, just thrown in there randomly. They were jarring, and distracted me from what I thought was the main story. I still don't have any clue as to what was going on with him.

To be entirely honest, the cover is the only reason I requested this. And for that, I was not disappointed. The art was pretty dang good. I even stopped reading to stare at a few panels and take the artsy glory in; a rare occurrence with me and graphic novels. The use of color here was superb. The pop-art look was definitely in there, but mixed with something else, and the result was either exceptionally tolerable or rather pretty in places.

I did go into this with no previous knowledge of the source material, which was apparently a comic in the '90s?? (This explains so much.)

And this is rated mature?? I mean, teens, for sure, but I'm not sure it warranted a mature rating.