A review by caseroo7
Asking for It by Lilah Pace


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Wow! This book was unlike anything I have read before, and I could not put this one down! I intended to start this book before bed and finish the next day, but I ended up reading way past my bedtime because I just couldn't get enough. I will start by saying that anyone thinking of reading this book needs to read the blurb and the warning from Lilah Pace and make sure that you take it seriously. Asking For It is not for the faint of heart, and if you have any issues or triggers with rape or rape fantasy this book probably isn't for you as both characters in this story share the same fantasy and have pasts that deal with the subject. This book is a great read though, and I highly recommend it if you are willing to go a little bit outside of your comfort zone because this story definitely pushes some boundaries.

Vivienne Charles is ashamed of her desires, and knows that what she thinks about isn't normal. She finally got the courage up to tell her ex-boyfriend what she wanted, but he couldn't give her what she needed. When she meets the sexy and mysterious Jonah Marks, she learns that they share the same fantasy. Jonah and Vivienne come to an agreement that they will have sex in which they play out their rape fantasies with the sex always being consensual and always discussing their limits before hand. The sex between them is amazing and more than they ever experienced with anyone else, but soon they start to feel more for one another than they should. Just when they both begin to think that they have a chance at a future together, their pasts resurface and threaten everything that they are building.

I worried that I wouldn't be able to connect with these characters, but that wasn't the case at all! I liked both of them and I found myself being able to relate to them. Lilah Pace did a great job of really showing the vulnerability of each Jonah and Vivienne, and I was really surprised with how likable and real these characters felt. Both Jonah and Vivienne were clearly struggling with pasts that still had a huge effect on them, and I found them very interesting. We get to know Vivienne more than Jonah in this book, and her past becomes very clear over the course of the book. But it isn't until the end that we really start to get to know Jonah. At first he comes off as unemotional and a bit cold, but the more we see him with Vivienne the more we get to know the man beneath. He was caring and always took care of Vivienne, and I loved that he was there whenever she needed him. These two have such an interesting dynamic between them, and the chemistry is off the charts. They are able to be open and share their desires without judgement, and I really liked seeing how things progressed for them.

Overall, this book was great! It was so much more than I had been expecting, and I honestly really enjoyed it even with the subject matter. Vivienne and Jonah were super hot together and I loved how sexy they were together. But I also really liked seeing them get to know one another, and find someone who understood them like no one else did. I will warn you that this book doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger, but things are unresolved at the end. The next book Begging For It is scheduled to release in September 2015, and it can't get here soon enough! Asking For It is a story that will not be for everyone, but I think if you keep an open mind and are willing to be taken a bit out of your comfort zone, is a book that a lot of readers will really like. I can't wait for more from Lilah Pace in the future!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**