A review by bookstoashes
Fever by Maya Banks


1.5 Stars

Oh boy, this didn't go as well as I was hoping.

First let's do the info I collected;
1st time main characters had sex; Page 28 (on e-reader copy)
How many steamy scenes in total within the book; 9 (a lot less than the first book)
Book Page total (e-reader copy); 337
Average page count between steamy scenes starting from first scene; 37

Usually I'd do the pros and cons but there are no pros to this book. The only one I wrote down was Ash. He's the only character I like in this book, and considering he's treated badly for a small chunk of it, that didn't help much.

I was kind of looking forward to the threesome scene, not gonna lie, but when it happened I felt uncomfortable because the entire time, Jace was overly possessive and rude towards Ash. He met the girl only an hour ago and is suddenly mad at anyone who touches her? Okay then..
I hoped there would be more scenes with the three but unfortunately it was just that once and it was just awkward.

**Spoilers ahead**

Moving onto the cons now;
-As mentioned above, Jace is just TOO attached and possessive, way too quick. This just seems to be a trope with this trilogy so I can't really say much about it, but it's kind of creepy how intense it gets at times.

-The fact that Jace pretty much kidnaps Bethany, locks her the apartment and gets people in the lobby to stop her when she tries to escape is bad enough. Adding onto that he pretty much gives her everything she wants while doing so, and has sex with her without even caring about how she feels about the situation.
The only reason she probably even fell for him to begin with is because he not only gave her everything she needed, but also because she was trapped and had no choice. It gave me a little bit of Stockholm Syndrome vibes. Also she probably feels he's entitled to having sex with her because he keeps giving her clothes and a place to stay since she's homeless. Instead of just helping someone out selflessly, Jace simply 'saves' her and decides she belongs to 'him'....not a fan of that.

-The book was just boring and WAY too fast paced. They fell in love in the matter of a week and the moment he saw her he knew she was different. Ugh I did not like that at all.

-Lastly, a line I took from the book that grossed me out. A few things Jace says really, really bothered me, but this one took the cake.
While Bethany was incredibly drunk (which is enough to not have sex anyway, even though she was asking for it), he said this to her, to her FACE!

"I'm still going to f*** you baby. Whether you're conscious or not. I'd prefer you be awake for the event."

And she didn't even bat an eye. WHAT?? He would have had sex even if she passed out. I can't fathom how this is hot!
I'm just glad this is done. I skimmed everything but the dialogue for most of the second half. I wanted to DNF it but since I want to read Ash's book so bad I wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything (which I didn't, so kind of pointless that I read this through).

I just hope the third book doesn't disappoint me and make Ash into a douche like the other two (esp. Jace). I have hope since his personality is my favourite but I'm not going to hold my breath.