A review by 5hadow_girl
Brazen: A Dark Chapter Press Unlimited Short: B by Matt Hickman


A vast majority of people look down upon the women who work in the ‘Adult Entertainment Industry’. These people usually fall into two separate categories –
First are those with the “Strippers are nothing but whores and drug addicts” mindset, and then there are the “Aww, that poor girl must have been abused growing up – let’s try to save her” crusaders.
Well, I hate to break it to ya, but the girls that do fall into one of those categories are the exception, NOT the rule when it comes to dancers.
Karen has been workin’ the pole for about two and a half years, and she doesn’t find it demeaning in the slightest. In fact, she feels empowered by it.
Plus, it pays for a pretty posh lifestyle.
The club she works for now takes care of their dancers, and does everything in their power to ensure the safety of the girls who work there. But people can get careless, and they let their guard down. That’s when danger strikes.

This story is NOT what I expected to read! I thought I knew where it was headed, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. (If my following statement sounds familiar it’s only because I read books 1 & 2 in this series today. I was mentally writing what I wanted to say for them both while I was at work, and it covers both stories.)

I’m really lovin’ everything that’s been coming out of Dark Chapter Press – (‘the killer publisher for readers who demand more – more scares, more gore and ultimately, more horror!’). From what I’ve read so far, DCP and it’s authors are not just pushing out the same old horror. The first two books in the A-Z series caught me off guard! I read a lot of horror, and I can usually see what is coming a mile away – but these two both smacked me in the head, laughed, and said “not today, sister!”