A review by laurenjodi
Untraceable by Laura Griffin


3.5 Stars

Alex Lovell helps women disappear but when one of her clients vanishes without a trace, Alex is convinced that her husband killed her and asks Austin PD detective, Nathan Deveraux, to help her uncover the truth. Skeptical at first, Nathan soon realizes that nothing is as it seems and Alex has put herself on a dangerous, if not deadly, path.

Series Note: While this is the first book in the Tracers series, the characters appear in the earlier Glass Sisters series as well.

A fast paced read with some exciting moments but the romance is mundane and underdeveloped.

The suspense plot is interesting with several clever twists and turns, and a sufficiently smarmy villain. Nevertheless, there are also a number of plot holes and loose ends that could have been tied up more effectively.

The romance is not the best mainly because Alex and Nathan are constantly at odds. There is no real reason for their attraction (other than sex that is) and she, in particular, runs a little too hot and cold for my taste.

The characters, both primary and secondary, are human and realistic. Nathan is a strong hero type but he is divorced and his actions as a police detective, while appropriate, place him in conflict with the more emotional Alex.

Alex's history is a little more complex with some family and relationship issues. Unfortunately, her characterization is not always consistent. For a supposedly intelligent and professional PI, she makes too many assumptions without evidence and takes everything at face value. There is also no explanation for her determination to help women on the run.

The writing is good (despite the clumsy transitions between POVs), the forensic elements are compelling and the secondary characters, especially Mia and Troy, are interesting enough to continue reading the series.