A review by bookish_aly_cat
Till Death Do Us Part by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn


This book is told through alternating timelines and perspectives as June tries to uncover the truth of what happened to her husband on their honeymoon. After years of grieving his loss, she starts a new chapter with Kyle and one day sees her first husband…did he never really drown? 

I appreciated the strong female lead, but I had a hard time connecting with any of the characters. They were all quite unlikable to be honest, and I’m not sure that it even served a true purpose. I had no one to root for throughout the story. 

There was lots of information about wine and its fermentation process in this book. I get that it was there to help build the setting, but it felt like it came up a lot and was rather repetitive. 

I did like the overall idea behind the mystery, as I wanted to know what really happened to husband number one and how that would play out in the end. I didn’t see the twist at the end coming, and I’m not sure that I liked it all that much. 

Read this if you like:
→ Napa Valley setting
→ All things wine 
→ Family drama 
→ Dual timeline 
→ Alternating POV 

Thank you @simonbooks for sending me a gifted copy of the book.