A review by amz101
Easy to Fall by Willow Winters, W. Winters


I thought I was ready... I THOUGHT I COULD HANDLE IT... But I was so not ready for the conclusion of Laura and Seth's story. Throughout the last four books in the Hard to Love series I have had my heart broken, my mind spun in every direction possible at once, and my nerves on overdrive and my ass on the edge of the seat waiting for each plot twist Ms. Winters threw my way and let me tell you now... This series has taken me on a rollercoaster rides of emotions and I honestly thought I was ready for the last book, I went into this knowing it was going to tug at my heartstrings but I didn't expect it to hit me the way it did. I'm not gonna lie, I cried 90% of this book, and then just as much with the second round.

So we are at the end of Seth and Laura's story and it's bittersweet, gut-wrenching, and tragically beautiful all in one. These two were something and their love story is one that will go down in history for me and one I will continue to go back to.

Willow weaves her magic and paints an epic conclusion that had me on my knees begging for mercy. Begging for more? Begging for something! This series wrecked me beyond belief and I don't think I will ever recover from this emotional love story, but would I have it any other way? HELL NO! Willow Winters is a master at her craft, she writes with perfection and Easy to Fall was nothing less than perfect from the start till the ending scenes. She captivated my heart, she pulled it out of my chest, stomped on it, picked it back up and by the very end, just when I thought my sanity is gone, she pieced it back together ever so slowly, just like she always does.

I want to dive it, but why when experiencing this entire series is so much better.

Sit down, buckle up, and hold on tight you are in for one hell of an emotional ride that you will never be prepared for.

Bravo, Ms. Winters... Yet again you blow me away with your ability to capture my heart and steal it away.

If I could rate this more than 5 stars, I would.