A review by mattie
Matrix by Lauren Groff


In retrospect, changing my 3 stars to 4:

-- The last, say, third of the book was so beautifully written that if the whole book had been like that, it would have easily been a 4+. And maybe I was too impatient near the beginning to appreciate that, busy trying to figure out the pacing and "plot".

-- I ended up reading this back to back with [b:Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch|54785536|Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch|Rivka Galchen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1601083713l/54785536._SY75_.jpg|85465219], which was a thought provoking compare-and-contrast on how the world treated women in the middle ages & just after. (Marie got a better deal than Katharina for sure. But I'm still glad I'm living in the 21st century, not the 12th.)