A review by fmoreno
The Complete Sonnets and Poems by William Shakespeare


I got this book for my birthday. Actually, I demanded this book for my birthday and I started reading it the moment I put my eyes on it. Since I started to study Shakespeare (plays and some sonnets) I have wanted to read his sonnets in order to get to know Shakespeare, the poet and not only Shakespeare the playwright. I was mostly interested in his sonnets as I said but this edition has two additional narrative poems and some other poems that were supposedly written by Shakespeare.
The notes on the edition help a great deal since I'm not a specialist in Shakespeare's works. This is not a book to read in one sitting (I took 3 months more or less to read this) but it is worth it. There are some things of more interest than others - for me it was the sonnets, without a doubt - but all in all it's a great collection of Shakespeare's poetry.