A review by ljrinaldi
Greta and the Giants: Inspired by Greta Thunberg's Stand to Save the World by Zoë Tucker


This is a simple book explaining the story of Greta Thunberg, the climate activist, to the picture book crowd. Using giants as the big bad adults, Greta stands up to them, and explains that they are destroying the planet. At first no one hears her, but then as more people take up her cry, the giants realize the harm they have done.

And everyone lives happily ever after.

Oh, if only this were the case.

Unfortunately, I do not hold out much hope for us, but without hope, we wouldn't even try, so perhaps, in that regard, this is a good book for kids, to show that they can change their fate, even if they can't.

I am such a cynical skeptic.


Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.