A review by megsbookishtwins
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco


Stalking Jack the Ripper was a fun and engaging read with an interesting mystery, albeit a little bit predictable (I guessed who Jack the Ripper was pretty early on.) Audrey Rose is interning with her Uncle who does autopsies and the recent bodies she has been working on have been brutal murders by the notorious Jack the Ripper. Her work is not considered an acceptable career option for women in 1888 and she has to do it in secret from her Father for fear of getting locked up in her golden cage. She was an interesting, complex, and formidable character even when she makes some questionable and not-so-smart choices.

The romance was nice and enjoyable. Audrey Rose and Thomas Cresswell have a lot of chemistry and witty banter that it was kind of hard not to enjoy the two together. Thomas Cresswell is a typical smart ass but is secretly a soft boy when it comes to Audrey Rose. So, obviously, one of my favourite ever tropes.

One thing that really let this book down for me was the superficial feminism. You would think a book about women, or should I say ONE woman, going against societal norms would feature... more women and more nuanced discussions about feminism, especially when you consider that Audrey Rose is a biracial women-she has Indian heritage. India had been colonized by Britain and was under brutal British rule. How can that not be discussed considering Audrey Rose was of Indian heritage while also being part of the British aristocracy? It was very glossed over and would definitely have impacted her feminism and her worldview.

What I also really enjoyed about Stalking Jack the Ripper was the world-building and setting as it was very atmospheric.

Overall, I would recommend if you are a fan of murder mysteries and historical fiction.