A review by diannel_04
The Girl Behind the Wall by Mandy Robotham

Did not finish book.
On the day the Berlin Wall goes up identical sisters Jutta and Karin are stuck on opposite sides. I know this happened to many families so it was believable. I was really enjoying the book and then it happened. Jutta finds a way through the wall and arrives at her sister's last known location, a hospital. She asks about Karinand no one seems to notice she looks exactly like her. They get together and Karin takes her to a Cafe where she is obviously a regular and, again, no one notices they are identical. By the time this happens the wall has been up for over a year and this is a communist world where people notice everything so, donnez moi a break. I understand Jutta makes numerous trip back and forth but no one ever gets suspicious because, you know, her clothes didn't look western or anything. I had to DNF.