A review by melsuds
How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran


i’m giving her one star for the abortion chapter. Can someone tell this woman to do some research before writing a novel? one thing, la roux is not a lesbian.... and she really just went out and said men are better than women... which she justified by asking why woman didn’t immediately achieve more after ‘we’ got the vote. She’s racist, sexist, classist, transphobic and generally an idiot. I’m sorry, WHICH women ‘got the vote?’ oh yeah that’s right, the wealthy over 30 year olds who were married and owned some property. Totally fair. Really going to immediately forget 100 000 years of oppression and be as successful as george lucas. yeah... TOTALLY for lack of trying. Unbelievable. i was recommended this book because she’s a bit gross and i’m usually for that shit. But she’s so ‘i’m not like other girls’-y it’s an unbearable read. she’s really on abortion though, i appreciated that chapter quite a lot (probably because it was so refreshing) don’t waste your time with terfs.