A review by mcdermotte1639
Angel Thieves by Kathi Appelt


This was a very good, very different sort of story. If you're looking for something high action, or thick with plot, this probably isn't for you.

BUT, if you're open to a sweet, often heartbreaking, but ultimately hopeful story of how so many lives and times and worlds can intersect, then Angel Thieves is worth the time.

I absolutely loved the nearly poetic prose of Appelt's writing, and the way she managed to weave together so many disparate, yet ultimately interconnected stories. This was not a book in which two people were amazingly connected by a lost angel and time. This was a story about how the search for one angel could lead to hard decisions and impossible dreams, and ultimately hope for the future (even if it isn't always the hope we thought we would have), all watched over by a loving bayou that remembers every name that has passed through her waters.

Kathi Appelt has built a beautiful, lyrical, heartwrenching and heartwarming story with Angel Thieves. 4/5 stars.