A review by readingwithgeeg
The Demon Prince of Momochi House, Vol. 3 by Aya Shouoto


so we are introduced to a new character, Kasha -- a fire-type ayakashi with black flames
the ghost girl Torii just wanted a friend ;o;
Rui saw through the guys' disguises lol but I hope she's someone that can be trusted and a friend to Himari

awe Ise is really loyal to Aoi, he wouldve burned himself for him, but Im glad Himari helped him control it...and their little moment...hopefully they become besties soon
ahhh Aoi kissed her and he said it was an accident lol he is too cute

i like how the lesser yokai are taking more of a liking to Himari, seeing them together in groups is cute
stop Ise and Himari are sibling coded, she's wearing a nice kimono and he said it was like "dressing a horse" and slaps a crown on her lmao
bro...Aoi/Nue took her to an ayakashi realm and all of them are congratulating him and there's a ceremony and banquet...is this a wedding??
bro i'd crumble after Nue's touch...he's intimidating in that form
ummmm the whole vibes changed....the ceremony/sealing caused him to be bed ridden for a month before!!!??? 
awe ok Ise, he's informing her and hugged her briefly about the situation...even said he'd take her place
um who is this person obsessed with Aoi's ring for Himari??