A review by 4saradouglas
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain


Things I liked about this book: First off, I started to really hate the main character which was making me not want to read the book until I realized that my hatred of the main character was part of the story. She was turning bad. Cool. Got it. I also liked that I couldn't tell for sure if the new guy was good or bad... it kept me guessing.
Things I didn't like about this book: The cover has nothing to do with the book at all, and the story was pretty see-through. This book was sort of like New Moon where the entire time you were just pissed of that Edward was gone. Daniel is distant in this book which makes it less fun to read. Finally, I can't stand books like this where the most interesting thing to happen in the book happens RIGHT at the end and you have to wait until the next book to find out more. Grr.....