A review by losgiraffee
From the Dust Returned by Ray Bradbury


This was a cute quick read, fairly old fashioned in the writing. I did find it a little hard to follow at some times, but given that this was a mesh of short stories sewn together into a novel, I guess that makes sense.

This is a 2.5 rounded up to three for me. It kinda reads like a fairytale. Only one that may have skipped over some parts. It comes back around to the Great Greadmére and Timothy, but once it surges ahead you feel like you missed something in the Segway.

Turns out it’s little sitting on the floor in front of your grandfather as he tells tales that he heard as a child. Except instead of a grandpa it’s a 4,000 year old mummy. Which is cool. I like mummy’s. I wish one would come tell me stories. I would totally listen after I finish screaming from the fright of seeing a mummy walking and talking. (Don’t you dare say you would do otherwise…we’ve all seen that Mummy movie.)

Anyways, cute Halloween read even if the language is a little old fashioned. Quick and easy as I read it on a plane and finished before we touched ground. Not spooky or anything…just…cute.