A review by lusa04968
The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony by Lou Marinoff

hopeful reflective


 go through phases where I read many self-help books (or self-realization philosophy books, as this one is). Often, it’s just a way for me to refocus or look at other perspectives or various aspects of my life. This book is a different, however. It doesn’t require consistent journaling or data logging. It’s one of the few books focusing on finding harmony instead of trends or outside faith (like a god). It may sound cheesy, but it is a philosophy that focuses on inner peace and how Dao can be applied to various aspects of your life rather than how you can tweak your life to improve it. It focuses on the foundation, which is nice.

I didn’t know much, or anything, about Taoism/Daoism before reading this, and it’s incredibly intriguing. Chapter 11, on discovering value, is my favorite chapter, highlighting what is valuable to you. “Anxiety is too often the price of security” is a huge quote I’ll likely carry with me for the rest of my life.

The teachings of Dao aren’t new, and Marinoff isn’t inventing the wheel here, but he is showing us how to put the wheel on a vehicle so we can get going on Life’s Highway. It’s a good and thorough review of how Dao can upgrade your life. I recommend this book, it’s a great find!