A review by cobaltbookshelf
Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur


4.5 stars

First off, that cover is GORGEOUS. This book started off strong. It was witty, funny, and it sucks you in right from the beginning. Alexandria Bellefleur’s writing weaves together a beautiful estranged best friends to lovers romance story.
This is a fast character-driven romance. It’s mostly about Margot and Olivia coming together and overcoming their emotional barriers. The chemistry is fabulous.
Olivia's character was also great addition to the cast and she fell in seamlessly with of Darcy, Elle, Brendon, and Annie. Seriously, these six all have amazing chemistry and make you want to be a part of their friend group. Bellefleur has mastered the perfect combination of romance, laughter, steamy scenes, and friendships.

Pick up this book - it’s one of my favorite books of the year!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for sharing this ARC with me in exchange for an honest review.