A review by grahammatthews
Finding Faeries: Discovering Sprites, Pixies, Redcaps, and Other Fantastical Creatures in an Urban Environment by Alexandra Rowland


You know the random blog post that says, you won't believe all these photos about passive agresive roommates, and you are like ok I'm intrigued click on it and are immediately unfulfilled because it's just an article about 50 pictures that just tell you what's in the picture and says oh snap? Well this book is just that! It lores you in because of its good looks, awesome design ,and art. And then has you read a collection of one page surveys underlining how global warming is ruining the faerie world, and doesn't explain how to find any Faeries at all!

I went into the book to learn about finding Faeries. Understanding what they are like, where their environment might be etc. This book gives you a little bit, but it feels very "google search" I don't reccomed the book for anyone who has experience in faerie lore, cause this won't give you anything new. I don't even reccomed this if you want to start searching for Faeries in the wild cause it won't help with that either. It will just say do research and be careful, which wouldn't reading this book count as research?

That being said the reason this isn't a 1 star review is because the art is fantastic the esthetic is good and I had fun little moments like "oh, that's why bells are on motorcycles" and "that sounds like the folk story I heard, I wonder if that could be related." Then I ended up laughing and also being intrigued about faerie email scam prevention. It's also a quick read, took about 90 minutes.

That being said if you are actively searching for Faeries and your big question is, "why am I not finding them as often? I feel I'm in the right places. I'm doing all the things." this book may be able to answer those questions! Other then that I would say no need to read!