A review by misthios_pat
Destination Bedding by Allison Temple


I enjoyed this one, but I was annoyed a lot of the time. The family entitlement and dismissal of Kate's feelings was infuriating. It's a realistic portrait of some families though, and good gawd that got under my skin. And the whole marrying the ex bit, yikes! I was already reticent when I thought it was a female ex. I mean, the LGBT dating pool isn't that big so you gotta overlook some shit, but with a fella? That's not a pool you should be dipping your toes if your sister were there before. At least not so soon, especially with how things ended!

I'm the kind of person who'd suggest Reddit's most common advice, run! G no contact, never talk again. Good riddance! But since that didn't happen I just wish all the best for Kate and Piper.