A review by amz101
Delicious by Shayla Black


Delicious is book 3 in the Wicked Lovers series.

This is my second time reading this and I feel just as blown away and amazed as I did the first time. This series is HOT, intense and all consuming.

Like Shayla Black does, she goes and throws me through one hell of a roller coaster ride. Given, this is the second time reading this book, I still found myself so addicted and intrigued, flipping pages frantically to get deeper and deeper into the storyline. This series eats you alive!

In Delicious, we follow the lives of Luc and Alyssa.

Alyssa is a former exotic dancer, now an owner of a strip club, she’s strong, independent, sassy, confident and easy going woman.

Luc,.. well he’s certainly not a Prince Charming type. He’s cocky, he knows he’s better than others, he treats people differently for that reason, but I’m kind in love! He’s not the nicest of guys, certainly no hearts and flowers, and got a-hole vibes and the way he treated Alyssa wasn’t always the best, but I’m a sucker for guys just like him! Gah! and I absolutely love reading about them! Although, throughout the book, I found him redeeming himself a fair bit which I loved too.

These two together were a wicked hot mess but oh so good, I couldn’t get enough! They were different, they were intense, hot, bat sh*t crazy and ADDICTING! I was hooked from the beginning and now I want nothing more than to start from the beginning for the third time and re-read it again.

As always, Shayla Black does not disappoint. She’s delivered a crazy, action packed, suspenseful, thrilling and hot as hell book, and she did it flawlessly. I love her style of writing its part of the reason I find myself so intrigued and obsessed with her books and this series is everything I love about erotica romances. She’s actually a genius.

5 stars.