A review by amym84
Damage Control by Kate McMurray


When a woman is found murdered in Parker Livingston's apartment, the first person he turns to for help is his lawyer ex-boyfriend Jackson Kane whom Parker left five years ago when he decided to run for the Senate and thought keeping himself closeted was the way to go.

There's a lot of unfinished business between Parker and Jackson, Jackson in no way wants to rehash the terribleness that happened between them five years ago, but he also can't turn Parker away when he shows up at his office begging Jackson to represent him should Parker be arrested. He didn't kill the woman, and his alibi is pretty airtight, but that just means there's a murderer on the loose, and without knowing their motive, Parker has a target on his back.

I really enjoyed this second-chance suspense-lite romance. I say it's suspense-lite because while the mystery surrounding the murders did have a few interesting components to it, the real main part of Damage Control is the past relationship between Parker and Jackson, and their present feelings towards one another. I thought Kate McMurray did a wonderful really making that emotional connection with the readers in regards to the Parker and Jackson before, in opposition to the Parker and Jackson after break-up. We're mainly seeing Parker's journey finding out if he can take that step and come out within the Republican Party knowing there's a chance that doing so could effect his career. Years ago he chose his career, thereby ending their chance at happiness. Seeing Jackson again has brought things into perspective for Parker. You can feel Parker struggling with this conflict, and unfortunately it's plausible.

There are quite a few hints floating around this read regarding secondary characters. I'm interested to see what form these take in the next book in the series.

*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.