A review by s_h_a_r_i
Among Others by Jo Walton


I kept hoping that this book would turn out to be more sophisticated than it was - what if she's an just imaginative maladjusted teen, and the fairies are all in her head? Maybe her mother isn't a witch, just a bad mother? Was it possible that she's just so eaten up by guilt for the accident that claimed her sister's life that she imagines seeing her with the fairies and attempts suicide?

But no. Apparently the fairies are real, mother is a crazed witch, and the guilt, while real, is converted into healing and personal growth.

This book was more enjoyable as an introspective piece, thoughts on the things that we possess and possess us. And of course - on books and reading, which was fun, as a former teenaged bookworm.

But plotwise, I felt the book was too slow - not enough happened other than us reading about Morwenna's many visits to bookstores, libraries, and book clubs, and the "big showdown" with the crazed witch mother was rather disappointing, felt tacked on, and was too short to make me care about any personal triumph it represented.